How to stay healthy while traveling

There can be few things as frustrating as waiting months to go on your holiday and then have it ruined by getting sick once you are there.
Stay healthy? Cambodia has its fair share of things to make you ill, and many dangers come and go with the seasons.
As the wet season persists, you can expect rains to fall hard and fast pretty much every day in the afternoon, but only for an hour or two.
As November rolls around, however, the sun will blaze relentlessly once again.
It’s important to keep yourself healthy during the change of season in order to get the most out of what the city has to offer.
Here are a few simple ways (tips) to stay healthy you can follow to ensure you’re covered for all occasions and never miss a moment of fun: 1. Never leave home without a poncho or umbrella. Don’t get caught in the rain! Plastic ponchos are particularly easy to pack. 2. Don’t walk into flooded areas. Debris hidden in the water can cut your feet. Clean cuts with soapy water, apply antibiotic cream, and cover until healed. 3. Protect yourself from mosquitos. Use insect repellent containing DEET or picaridin. Spray permethrin on clothes and linens while not using them (dry thoroughly before wearing). Use screens or mosquito nets. 4. Always carry clean water with you. If you exercise or sweat a lot, consider drinking an electrolyte solution once a day. (Watch out: too much ORS becomes a laxative!) 5. Be wary of heat exhaustion. If you’re dizzy, have a headache, or get stomach cramps after being in the sun, go to a cool place. Drink extra fluids. 6. Healthy eating, don’t forget the rules about food. Don’t eat undercooked meat. Only eat raw vegetables if they are peeled or washed. Wash your hands frequently and carry hand sanitizer with you.

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